2012 Literary Prize for Nonfiction

2012 Literary Prize Author Index

[A ] [B ] [C ] [D ] [E ] [F ] [G ] [H ] [I ] [J ] [K ] [L ] [M ] [N ] [O ] [P ] [Q ] [R ] [S ] [T ] [U ] [V ] [W ] [X ] [Y ] [Z ]

Kurzweil, Missy  - Coming Home

Kostura, Richard M.  - Becoming Galileo

Kostura, Richard M.  - Winter In Spring

Kopf, Linda  - Home

Kominicki, John  - Where Nixon Found Peace

Klugman, Nell  - Parking Pass

Kleinman, Lillian Litvack  - East End Daydreams

Kirby, Carolyn - Smells Like Camp

Kenny, Mary L.  - Ponquogue Paradise

Kennedy, Elizabeth - The Value Of Hard Work

Keller, John  - Popoos Reel

Keane, Jo-Ann  - Childhood’s Buried Memories

Kaufman, Susan Worley - Hampton Equinox

Kasten, Gerald - My Mother The Murderer

Kasten, Gerald A.  - The Gambler

Kaler, Tracy  - History In The Making

Kakitis, Daniel  - The Hand Holding Stone