The Gift of the Gull

Written By: Amy  Mazur

The Gift of the Gull A courageous whaling of hunger penetrated my ears as I tried to reenter the slumber of a peaceful night, one adorned by the sounds of swelling waves, too tall to stand and so they rolled over and over until they created a serpent that slithered across the sands and disappeared. The hunger pangs started softly; I interpreted them to be in the far distance but realized they were only the weakened screeches of a gaunt Gull, honing his hunger, hoping and haunting simultaneously in search for food outside the screen of my room. His squealing squawk echoed and elevated and echoed and elevated until, at last, the screeching silence sent the message that he found his meal. The melodious mantra of the Gull awoke my inner senses and made me realize that my tent at the campground offered me the same morning tunes offered to those in luxurious hotels, those equipped with repeat symphonies that lull you to slumber and awake you with rhythm, and that listening wholly with your heart will enhance your inner being, help you interpret the minute yet magical sounds played by all living creatures and satisfy your desires to connect with living creatures, big and small, as we coexist and that your ears, for listening, yet not alter their keenness whether they are surrounded by canvas at a campground or billowed by down comforters in a luxury hotel. The Gift of the Gull is given graciously if you are open to receive it no matter where you dream. Splendid summer days are spent along the sparkling sandy beaches and invite all ages and ethnicities to share Eastern Long Island with the Gulls. Driven by hunger, the Gull knows not gourmet meals or minor snacks but gives importance to all foods offered or not and graciously accepts bits and morsels, never slanting its beak or scorning a giver. This Gull is a teacher to all humanity and models acceptance of all and any. Your offering might be wrinkled or broken yet welcomed and guarded by the Gull who enthusiastically guards his new possession and is willing to squawk and pounce to keep it. Appearing to be driven by titanic hunger, the Gull displays hidden strength and tenacity and constantly searches for food to survive. The strong character traits are not only admirable but should be mimicked by those who supply the morsels of food. The Gull is a teacher. Visiting Gulls frequent the beaches for bare bones of ribs and explore the trash of restaurants that sport pricey meals as they continue to forage for food while the warm sun supplies the necessary light. Hardly ever satisfied, the Gull continues to soar and dive, relentlessly searching mile after mile, never resting or giving up no matter how many times he is shooed away. The Gull models perseverance and those who are perceptive enough to recognize it should value the Gift of the Gull. As the tired sun begins to set and the warm sandy beach begins to empty the Gull will remain to explore the sands for left over morsels of food. Having flown all day, starting with the mildest of chirps which escalated to full blown squawks, the Gull is finally ready to rest his tired body. He will cleverly take his cue from the golden sunset and find a comfortable place to dream about tomorrow and the hope he will have when he is awakened by the glistening sun in the east. He does not care if his resting place is at a campsite or at a luxurious hotel; this simply does not matter. He rests his tired body so that he can endure another day with the hope that it will be at least as good as or maybe better than yesterday. The Gull is always hopeful as he starts each day with his courageous whaling of hunger; let us all mimic and appreciate the Gift of the Gull.