One Million Seven Hundred And Fifty Thousand Leaves

Written By: Phyllis Italiano

Then three years ago it all changed!   Some shortsighted people on the local town board decided to cut out the leaf pick-up program for this year even though there was money already in the budget for the eating of my leaves to continue.  When I heard this news I could feel my bones aching in a massive revolt.  What am I going to do with one million, seven hundred fifty thousand leaves?  I could stuff mattresses with them, but then what would I do with the mattresses and who would ever want to buy a leaf mattress?

One million, seven hundred and fifty thousand leaves!  My God, where will I put them? Seriously, where?  I looked around me…and around me.  I could take them to the dump—but how?  In my Prius?  It would probably take about fifty trips.  Oh, that sounds like an enormous amount of work.

But first I had to gather them all up and I don’t think a sheet will do.  I went to town to buy a leaf blower.  How do you use a blower?   Two masters’ degrees and about a hundred and fifty other post graduate college hours, but not an hour spent on learning about the technique of using a blower.  How hard can it be?  Very!  It was slow and tedious, and actually even a little boring.  (What did I do with that sheet anyway?)

I tried the blower with my left hand, then with my right.  Sometimes I tossed it between the right and left hands.   I watched the leaves perform as I aimed my blower at them.   They danced along, twirling around and around like young ladies in a ballet class.   I worked hour after hour hoping my neighbors weren’t too annoyed by the loud humming sound as they went about their lives.  If I can keep up my concentration, I can master the stroke that gathers the most leaves to their final end.  Whenever I pretended I was throwing a bowling ball, I managed to herd the leaves like a cowboy gathering his cattle up for a long drive.

One million, seven hundred and fifty thousand leaves this year!   Wish I could devour them like that lovely machine used to.  Wasn’t much I could do with this haul but pile it into a moat I can create around the property line, and pray that next year they will come to their senses and rescind the no leaf pick-up nonsense.  Then I could rush out to the leaf-eating machine at the edge of the street and watch it while it devoured 3,500,000 leaves for breakfast.